Friday, July 6, 2007


A strange road it was,
People were walking with eyes closed,
Nobody stopped for the other,
They just kept walking down the road.

Whistling a man walked on it,
In a manner of gaiety he rode the road,
With eyes full of surreal dreams,
And eagerness to see what lie ahead that showed.

And then his eyes met someones,
At that moment he knew he wanted to walk alone no more,
The dreary road had suddenly come alive,
Flowers bloomed, leaves shown, spring was in the air.

The sweetest of sensations flowed through him,
He could hear the buzzing of the bees,
Smell the greenery of the grass,
Take joy in watching the dancing of the trees.

They walked hand in hand,
Moments passed too quickly yet had in them stored an eternity,
He thanked the powers that be,
For making the journey an unrivaled ecstasy.

Every moment together was a bliss,
The hours of togetherness made his heart leap,
For nothing else mattered thereon,
Immersed in only thoughts of present would he wake up and sleep.

And then one day it happened,
The hand was pulled back,
They had said they would stand by each other,
He still was, unable to fathom reasons for the gap.

That day something inside him died,
As he watched the parting,
Mystified by the ways of the world,
He saw a piece of him leaving.

He must keep walking,
But knew he did, he would turn like the hordes,
Not stopping, not caring,
Walking with eyes closed on the road.

The sun will rise again, the stars will shine again,
But never will he hold another hand,
Disillusioned of where the paths are leading,
The traveler, keeps walking on the grains of sand...

Monday, July 2, 2007


The hands of the clock is slowly ticking away,
Furtive eyes trying to defeat the dominion of horizons sway,
Looking for you they've not blinked since you left,
Hoping to find you they haven't slept,
Every knock, every tap, every sound seem yours,
That you will return, I don't know for sure,
Everything you've taken with you,
Made all the precious moments we had, meaningless,
I'll still cherish them nonetheless,
Think of you I'll, nonetheless.
You asked me why do I care,
You were the air I breathed,
The food for my soul.
Life without you I had not dreamt of,
Life's vagaries I had not thought of.
As I fight the night drowsing myself in wine,
Trying to relive the illusion that you were mine,
I might learn to live without you one day,
But your place in my life will always stay,
I'll still sit by the door waiting everyday,
Hoping you might come back one day..